The Avocado Queen Welcomes You

This blog is mostly about raw vegetarian/vegan recipes, many of which incorporate avocados. Since I became a raw/live food vegan several years ago, avocados became an important part of my diet. I'd even say that they are my favorite food, and as it turns out, they are also considered one of the world's healthiest foods. While my primary purpose here is to showcase avocados and how awesome they are, I will also share some recipes that are just plain good raw/live food as well as vegan food.

Most recipes are accompanied by a meditation or reflection - posting as "food for thought."

Wishing you peace, love, joy, and blessings wherever you are in your journey towards health...

All recipes of the Avocado Queen are original creations. In some cases, variations on other recipes have been made and credit of that original source has been given.

All content on this blog is strictly the property of the owner or has been used with permission. If you see a recipe or photo that you like, please contact the owner for permission to share it...more than likely, your request will be honored as long as you agree to give credit to the original source.


Recipe for Discovery - Tatsoi Saag

We grow by discovering who we are.  Ask questions.  Inquire within.  Have an open mind and an open heart.  Discover new things about yourself.  Often the only person holding us back is ourselves.  Through processes of self-discovery, we can see new paths, understand new ideas, and go in new directions.  

Keep in mind that usually the best opportunities for discovery are the difficult situations of life or what we perceive as life's greatest challenges.  Let moments of discovery energize you.

Use discovery as a way to move forward.  Embrace whatever you discover and use it on your own personal journey.  Share what you discover and make a difference for others.

Recipe for Discovery - Tatsoi Saag


  • 1 avocado
  • 1/2 fresh lemon juiced
  • 1 cup raw cashews or pine nuts - soaked for 2-4 hours
  • 2 TB coconut oil/butter
  • 1 tsp ginger powder (or fresh grated ginger root)
  • 1 TB curry powder
  • dash of nutmeg
  • dash of coriander
  • 2 bunches of tatsoi (washed well) - coarse chopped

1. In a 4+ cup food processor, combine all ingredients EXCEPT 1 Bunch of Tatsoi with the "S" blade until smooth and creamy.
2. Add in the 2nd Bunch of Tatsoi by pulse chopping.
3. Serve with flax crackers or sprouted wild rice, slices of fresh bell pepper, or halved cherry tomatoes.

This recipe makes 4-6 servings.

Discover raw food and discover tatsoi.  Full of essential nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, this recipe will provide the benefit of raw vegan energy for any diet.

Discover TATSOI.  
What exactly is tatsoi?
Tatsoi is a dark, leafy green vegetable, also known as spinach mustard, spoon mustard, or rosette bok choy.  Its leaves resemble bok choy, its flavor is milder than mustard, and it is a suitable substitute for spinach in many recipes.  Tatsoi is a wonderful green with a delicious distinctive flavor.

Tatsoi can be found at your local farmer's market and should be washed well several times (usually it is planted in sand) before eating.  You will likely find it in the fall.

Like most other greens, tatsoi is high in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as being a good source of calcium, iron, potassium, and phosphorous.  

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